how to buy it now and pay later on ebay: Small scams

Continuation of the article concerning my negative experience buying on eBay. I wrote: ” I think the eBay system is really bad for the casual buyer who finds himself in front of an experienced salesman or, as is my case, facing a professional and that what I just experienced puts a lot of limitations of the system.

I left a negative evaluation of the seller. I return the day before yesterday on his profile, and I see that it has simply disappeared!

I contact eBay asking what is happening (try to contact eBay on a “free” email … It takes a good 15 minutes to find a form).

Answer today: Evaluation removed because the seller (Alain Gheysen) complained that it was referring to my previous post!

An eBay appraisal must not exceed 80 characters, nor send away from eBay!

It’s good for business … You can never really “justify” the problem with the seller, and therefore a professional seller has strong credibility (necessarily, in 99% of cases and unless complete scam, the customer receives his goods and is satisfied).

We do not realize it, but to buy on eBay, you have to go and see the remaining 1 %, in other words, all the negative or neutral evaluations of a seller, because that’s when there is a problem that we see his behavior. Indeed, in my case, my seller has a “pattern” very clear, but these evaluations, the only significant ones, are drowned in the mass.

My evaluation was removed “in my back” … It took me 48 hours to get the justification from eBay. And I still have not been able to postpone the evaluation … eBay could have “filtered” my comment and leave only the note: no, they removed everything. There too, “pattern” clear on the part of eBay.

Especially eBay arrogates a very high right by prohibiting any real justification for a negative evaluation and forbidding me to link to a web page. After all, if my page is excessive, if I say wrong things, my seller would have the right to attack me in defamation without eBay being held responsible at all. By filtering a priori, eBay is legislator – for the sake of “good business” based on the shortest possible assessments and especially no waves.

Following the next issue.

Added 31 Aug 2006:

While I sent at least 10 times my photos to eBay by email, as well as the link to the photos in this blog, here is the final answer of eBay’s dispute resolution service:

Hello Mr. Klein,

We are contacting you about your claim number 7116444.

As we indicated in our last message, in order to be able to process a file concerning the nonconformity of the object, we need a nonconformity certificate or some photos which would show that the object does not correspond to the description in the advertisement. However, after several messages, you did not send us this document.

Note: this means that the litigation department does not even read the emails it receives! I sent these pictures 10 times!

To this day, your file is closed.

Ben thin then!

For more information on the eBay Buyer Protection Program, please visit:

We are sorry we can not help you further.

Not so much as me, Angelique, not so much as me …


Angelique Werdin
eBay Customer Service

Updated April 26, 2007
Following a comment, I just went to review the profile of Kit0020.
It seems great at first sight … Always a maximum of stars … And we went from 130 to 1,200 evaluations! But if we look in detail at its negative evaluations, there is a “pattern” (negative evaluations of Kit0020)
Below some examples (not counting the evaluations that had to be deleted by eBay, like mine …):
– broken object
– packaging to review very bad packaging the post was whew
– No contact with the seller. Leaves eval negative in his back DEFIANCE
– ATTENTION – Very dishonest Ebbler – Broken and non-compliant object … to flee
– It is not a birdcage but a decoration. broken arrival
– Broken object, left arm: shoulder weld. Not delivered to the address indicated.
– Object received very damaged but intact packaging. Whose fault is it?

Some answers from the seller, which lack of honesty does not lack humor:

– warn if want gift wrap!
– Regrets his purchase is trying a refund. The only one to complain about the product!
– must be mistaken
– Did the exchange does not return the 1st package keeps the 2 Attention! Rogue
– Abyss the product to get a refund
– Do not remove his package waiting for him No matter what little comic is going

I add that I received some threats following this post and I think they come from the seller.

Every sale is too small to make it worthwhile to go to court … If eBay does not do the housework, who can do it? But the information displayed by eBay is likely to be misleading; the seller profile appears to be extremely positive.

The post how to buy it now and pay later on ebay: Small scams appeared first on Muscle Car

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