How to raise funds quickly?
Entrepreneur-es, do you need to raise funds quickly for your business? What to do when the banks solicited do not give news or when the investor with whom you discuss for months does not seem ready to go right away?
Finding financing from banks can be slow and unsuccessful. So you have to look for alternatives to bank financing when you need to quickly finance your business or develop a new business.
In addition, capital financing can also take time, especially to implement legal arrangements. Even though crowdfunding: platforms are systematically auditing companies before allowing them to launch their campaign, due diligence is not restricted to investment funds.
The administrative procedures and the lack of reactivity of the various financing actors can discourage you from launching your project.
Royalties, the innovative solution to raise funds quickly
With musclecarfacts it is possible to raise funds between 15 days and 3 months. The speed of funding depends mainly on how much time you and your team spend preparing your application, your presentation and mobilizing your network.
If you need to go fast, you can use your ” love money ” as part of a private fundraiser and muscle car facts then acts as a management tool for your investors. You can also choose to do a public crowdfunding campaign if you have a little more time and want to take advantage of it to publicize your business.
Arrange funds in one month by mobilizing your love money:
If you have already identified your investors and want to go very quickly, you can use the royalties to mobilize your love money quickly and without any fuss. This type of financing has the advantage of flexibility and simplicity. Opening up your capital too soon can make you lose a lot of time later, especially if you need to raise capital / equity later.
After validation of the file, it takes about 1 week of preparation, or even less if you already have all the documents prepared, to create your account, authenticate your company with a payment provider and write the presentation that will be visible to investors . Then we recommend that the investment phase lasts a month, but it is adaptable to your schedule: it is you who choose according to the availability of your investors and your needs. Indeed, if investors are already reunited and ready to invest quickly, this phase can be quickly concluded.
Go beyond love money to mobilize more funds but without wasting too much time
If you have already identified potential investors but want to take advantage to publicize your project and reach investors you do not know, you can opt for fundraising in “crowdfunding” mode. This will allow you to get the funds under three months. Again planning and speed depend on you but plan about one month of preparation, one month of evaluation to probe investors (notice, investment intentions and pre-investment) and 1-month investment.
In addition to allowing you to raise funds quickly, royalties are a flexible mode of financing: the consideration received by the investors corresponds to a percentage of your turnover. In other words, your royalties payments are adjusted to your turnover: if you do not at a given moment, you do not pay royalties. Investors still have security because they are guaranteed to recover at least their initial investment; all this process is framed by a contract linking you to investors.
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